Thursday, November 22, 2007

A more complex LSID client

This one merges metadata from multiple endpoints, and then parses it using RDF::Core.

use strict;
use LS::ID;
use LS::Locator;
use RDF::Core::Model::Parser;
use RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
use RDF::Core::Model;
use RDF::Core::Resource;
use RDF::Core::Literal;
use RDF::Core::Statement;

my $storage = new RDF::Core::Storage::Memory;
my $model = new RDF::Core::Model (Storage => $storage);
my $id = ',FASTA2HighestGenericSequenceObject:2006-04-12T18-27-15Z';

# the lines below convert the LSID into a URL since that's what BioMoby
# currently returns in its metadata... sorry!
my $r = '';
$id =~ /[^:]+)/;
$r .= $1;

my $lsid = LS::ID->new($id);

my $locator = LS::Locator->new();
my $authority = $locator->resolveAuthority($lsid);
my $resource = $authority->getResource($lsid);
my $locations = $resource->getMetadataLocations;

foreach my $locs(keys %$locations){
foreach my $loc(@{$locations->{$locs}}){

my $data;
eval{$data = $resource->getMetadata(location => $loc);};
next if $@;

my $response_filehandle = $data->response;
my $RDF = join "", <$response_filehandle>;

my %options = (Model => $model,
Source => $RDF,
SourceType => 'string',
BaseURI => "",
BNodePrefix => "genid"
my $parser = new RDF::Core::Model::Parser(%options);

print "model contains ", $model->countStmts, " statements\n\n";
my $resource = RDF::Core::Resource->new($r);
my $enumerator = $model->getStmts($resource);
my $statement = $enumerator->getFirst;
while (defined $statement) {
my $s= $statement->getSubject->getLocalValue;
my $o= $statement->getObject;
my $p= $statement->getPredicate->getLocalValue;
print "$s $p $o\n" unless $o =~ /genid/;
$statement = $enumerator->getNext

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